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Getting started

The Drupal Commerce Log module provides activity logs for Commerce entities. Administrative users can view these logs through the UI to help them manage these entities. Currently, the module only includes built-in support for logging activity related to Order entities. However, developers will find that the module can be easily extended to log activity for other entities.

For information on creating custom activity logs, see these documentation pages:

Order activity

When the Commerce Log module is installed, logs will be automatically generated for order activity. Those logs are displayed on an Order's View page, like this:

Order activity view

This example order has had 3 logs created. The first (bottom-most) entry was created when the customer added an item to his cart. Logs are also created when items are removed from a cart.

The next two logs were created when the order was placed. All of the default Order state transition events are logged: Placed, Validated, Fulfilled, and Canceled. For more information on state transition events, see the State machine documentation.

The "Order activity" listing is a Views block that can be modified through the Admin UI like any other View.

Order activity view admin UI

Other logging resources

If you are looking for information on logging messages in Drupal more generally, you may want to start with these resources:


Log entities

Logs are content entities that are generated programatically. Each is associated with a specific Commerce entity source. There is no user interface for creating or managing logs. Logs are rendered using simple Inline templates. Log entities store references to the templates and parameter values for those templates.

See Drupal\commerce_log\Entity\LogInterface for the getter/setter methods that can be used for each of its base fields:

Base field Description
uid The user for the log, set automatically to the current user when the log is created.
template_id Log template ID. (string)
category_id Log category ID. (string)
source_entity_id Source entity ID. (integer)
source_entity_type Source entity type. (string)
params A serialized array of parameters for the log template.
created Time when the log was created. (timestamp)

Generating Logs

To create a new log entity, use the generate(ContentEntityInterface $source, $template_id, array $params = []) method provided by the LogStorage service. Typically, you will want to implement a custom Event Subscriber to generate logs in response to events. For example, the Commerce Log module has a CartEventSubscriber that generates logs whenever an item is added to or removed from a cart. Here is the actual code for generating the items-added logs:

public function onCartEntityAdd(CartEntityAddEvent $event) {
  $cart = $event->getCart();
  $this->logStorage->generate($cart, 'cart_entity_added', [
    'purchased_entity_label' => $event->getOrderItem()->label(),

The $source content entity is the cart, a commerce_order entity. The $template_id is cart_entity_added. And the label for the item being added is passed in to the generate() method as an optional extra parameter. $this->logStorage is a variable that was set when the event subscriber was constructed. If you are unfamiliar with Drupal Event Subscrbers, provides Subscribe to and dispatch events documentation within its Creating custom modules guide.

Let's look at the components of the generate() method in more detail.

Source entity

We pass the cart entity into the generate function, which uses it to set the source_entity_id and source_entity_type field values for the Log entity. The Source entity Id will be the unique order Id of the cart, and the Source entity type will be set to commerce_order. We are able to get the Cart entity from the event, Drupal\commerce_cart\Event\CartEntityAddEvent in this case. That event provides the getCart() and getOrderItem() methods (as well as getEntity() and getQuantity()).

The Cart module provides a reference for all available Cart events in Drupal\commerce_cart\Event\CartEvents. Similar event definitions are also available in the Commerce Order, Payment, Price, Product, Promotion, Store, and Tax modules. Also, the State machine module provides workflow transition events.

Logs are internal entities, always managed and viewed in the context of their source entity. The source entity access is used when possible. A log can be updated or deleted if the source entity can be updated. There are currently no limitations imposed on log creation.

Log template

In the example above, cart_entity_added is the Id of a template provided by the Commerce Log module in commerce_log.commerce_log_templates.yml. Here's the start of that file:

  category: commerce_cart
  label: 'Added to cart'
  template: '<p><em>{{ purchased_entity_label }}</em> added to the cart.</p>'
  category: commerce_cart
  label: 'Removed from cart'
  template: '<p><em>{{ purchased_entity_label }}</em> removed from the cart.</p>'

  category: commerce_order
  label: 'Order placed'
  template: '<p>The order was placed.</p>'

All Log templates must be defined in a commerce_log_templates yaml file. You can create new templates in a custom module, by creating a my_custom_module.commerce_log_templates.yml file in the root of your custom module. For more information, see An Introduction to YAML or Introduction to YAML in Drupal 8. Commerce log templates have the following properties:

Property Description
id A unique id for the template.
category Id of a template category.
label Administrative label for the template.
template Template used for rendering/displaying the log entry.
Log categories

Log categories define the entity type associated with a particular log template. The Commerce Log module provides "Cart" and "Order" categories for order entities. When creating new log templates, you can use these existing categories or creat custom ones. Log categories are defined in *.commerce_log_categories.yml files. See commerce_log.commerce_log_categories.yml as an example. Log categories have the following properties:

Property Description Example
id A unique id for the category. commerce_cart
label Administrative label for the category Cart
entity_type Id of the entity type. commerce_order

The template string must be safe for translation. It includes html entities and may include Twig. Log templates may include parameters, set when the log is generated, using Twig variables. For example, the "Added to cart" template includes a parameter for purchased_entity_label:

<p><em>{{ purchased_entity_label }}</em> added to the cart.</p>

In the onCartEntityAdd() method above, we pass in $event->getOrderItem()->label() as the value for this parameter. That text will be displayed in the log entries.

Displaying logs

The Drupal\commerce_log\LogViewBuilder class renders log entities using inline templates. The parameter values provided when the logs are generated are passed to the inline template. Additionally, templates have access to the source entity. For example, an Order log template could include the order number like this: {{ order.getOrderNumber }}.

Log entities can be displayed using Views. For example, the "Order activity" section of the Order admin view page is a Block display of the Activity view.

View access for a log is based on the access for its source entity. A log can be viewed if the source entity can be viewed.