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This page provides specific, technical explanations of the payment-related data structures and relationships in Drupal Commerce. Familiarity with Drupal concepts including configuration entities, content entities, fields, and plugins is assumed. For a more general introduction to Drupal Commerce payments, see the Payments documentation page. For step-by-step instructions for setting up payments for your site, see the Getting started documentation.

Payment gateways

A payment gateway is a configuration entity that manages a single instance of a payment gateway plugin. Payment gateways are created and managed through the adminstrative UI (or programatically). Customers interact with payment gateways only indirectly, when they select a payment option during checkout. See the Payment options builder section for additional information. Payment gateway plugins provide the functionality that allows customers to enter their payment information, interact with the payment providers that capture the actual payments, and update order information locally to correctly track whether orders have been paid. See the Creating payment gateways documentation for information about payment gateway plugins.

Payment, payment method, and order entities all have a payment gateway entity reference field.

Payment gateway fields

Field Description
id Unique string id for the gateway
label Name of the gateway, for administrative use only
weight Used for ordering payment gateways
conditions An array of \Drupal\commerce\Plugin\Commerce\Condition\ConditionInterface condition plugins, see Core Conditions documentation
condition_operator The condition operator: AND or OR, a string
plugin The payment gateway plugin
configuration An array of plugin configuration, see Payment gateways: Getting started documentation
status Whether the plugin gateway is enabled or disabled

Payment gateway configuration

Payments and payment types

A payment is a content entity that stores local information about payment transactions that are executed remotely. These payment transactions may be submitted to a payment provider via its API or they may be payments that are received "in the real world" (cash, check, etc.) Every payment belongs to a single Drupal Commerce order and a single payment gateway. Payments are created by payment gateway plugins; each payment gateway plugin defines the payment type for the payments it creates.

Out of the box, the Commerce Payment module provides two payment types: payment_default and payment_manual. The manual payment type is used for manual payment gateways; default is used, by default, by all other payment gateways. Each payment type has its own workflow, which defines the states and transitions for a payment's status.

Payment states

Default payment types have the following payment transaction statuses:

State Id Label Description
new New The initial state for any new payment.
authorization Authorization If the payment gateway supports authorizations, payments will typically transition from New to Authorization.
completed Completed If the payment gateway supports authorizations, payments will typically transition from Authorization to Completed, once the transaction is "captured". For other payment gateways, payments will typically transition directly from New to Completed. Only amounts for payments that have been completed are added to the order's total paid amount.
authorization_voided Authorization (Voided) If the payment gateway supports voids, a payment can transition from Authorization to Authorization (Voided).
authorization_expired Authorization (Expired) If the payment gateway supports authorizations, a payment can transition from Authorization to Authorization (Expired).
partially_refunded Partially refunded If the payment gateway supports refunds, a payment can transition from Completed to Partially refunded.
refunded Refunded If the payment gateway supports refunds, a payment can transition from either New or Partially refunded to Refunded.

Manual payment types have the following payment transaction statuses:

State Id Label Description
new New The initial state for any new payment.
pending Pending When a payment is created, typically at the final checkout confirmation step, it transitions from New to Pending.
completed Completed Once the payment transaction is "received", the payment transitions from Pending to Completed.
voided Voided If a payment transaction is not going to be received, the payment can transition from Pending to Voided.
partially_refunded Partially refunded If the payment gateway supports refunds, a payment can transition from Completed to Partially refunded.
refunded Refunded If the payment gateway supports refunds, a payment can transition from either New or Partially refunded to Refunded.

Payment fields

Field Description
payment_id Unique numeric id for the payment
type String id for the payment type plugin; core types are payment_default and payment_manual.
payment_gateway String id for the payment gateway, required
payment_gateway_mode String id for the payment gateway mode, required; default types are test and live.
payment_method Id of the payment method (On site payment gateways)
order_id Id of the parent order
remote_id Remote id for the payment, a string up to 255 characters long
remote_state Remote payment state, a string up to 255 characters long
amount The payment amount, with currency, required
refunded_amount The refunded amount, with currency
state The status of the payment, a string corresponding to a workflow state, required
authorized The time when the payment was authorized, (i.e., when the payment's state is set to authorization)
expires The time when the payment expires, 0 for never
completed The time when the payment was completed, (i.e., when the payment's state is set to completed)

Payment type properties

Field Description
id Unique string id for the payment type
label The payment type label, for administrative use only
workflow The payment workflow, default is payment_default; Manual payment types use payment_manual

Creating payments

Payments are created during checkout when a customer confirms his order and can be created manually through the administrative UI. See the Code recipes documentation for an example of creating a payment programatically. For Manual and On-site payment gateway plugins, payments are created by the createPayment() method. For Off-site payment gateway plugins, payments are typically created in the onReturn() method or in the onNotify() method, if the gateway supports asynchronous notifications (IPNs).

Saving payments

  • When a payment is saved, the payment gateway mode is automatically set, based on the current mode for its payment gateways's plugin.
  • Authorized and completed timestamps are updated automatically.
  • When a payment is saved, the total paid amount for the payment's order is updated.

Deleting payments

  • When a payment is deleted, the total paid amount for the payment's order is updated.

Payment methods and payment method types

A payment method is a content entity that stores local information for a payment method created and stored remotely by a payment provider. Credit card and Paypal are two types of payment methods, both of which are provided by the core Commerce Payment module. Payments can be created from payment methods. Currently, payment methods are only available for On site payment gateways that support stored payment methods. Payment methods belong to customers and can generally be re-used for multiple orders.

Payment gateways define the types of payment methods they support. For example, the Commerce Braintree payment gateway supports credit_card, paypal, and paypal_credit payment method types. A payment method type defines the information to be collected and stored locally whenever a payment method is created. For example, for credit_card payment methods, Card type and Card number (last few digits only) are required fields; Card expiration month and Card expiration year are additional fields that can be optionally used for credit card payments.

Payment method fields

Payment method fields

Field Description
id Unique numeric id for the payment method
type String id for the payment method type plugin; core types are credit_card and paypal
uid Numeric id for the payment method owner
payment_gateway String id for the payment gateway, required
payment_gateway_mode String id for the payment gateway mode, required; default types are test and live.
remote_id Remote id for the payment method, a string up to 255 characters long
billing_profile Numeric id for the billing profile
reusable Whether the payment method is reusable, default value is TRUE
is_default Whether the payment method is the user's default payment method
expires The time when the payment method expires, 0 for never
created The time when the payment method was created
changed The time when the payment method was last edited

One standard field that's not listed as a payment method field is, "label". That's because the label for a payment method is actually generated by its payment method type's plugin method. All payment method type plugins must implement the buildLabel() method. For example, the credit card payment method type builds labels that look like, "Visa ending in 1111" or "Mastercard ending in 0004". For the PayPal payment method type, labels look like "PayPal (".

Payment method type properties

Field Description
id Unique string id for the payment method type
label The payment method type main label, for administrative use
create_label The label displayed to customers when the payment method is included in a list of payment options, defaults to the main label

Creating payment methods

Payment methods are created by payment gateway plugins that implement SupportsStoredPaymentMethodsInterface. During checkout, when a customer selects a payment option provided by an On site gateway, he is prompted to enter payment details which are transmitted to the payment provider. If the request is successful, a payment method entity is created locally by the payment gateway's createPaymentMethod() method, and that payment method is attached to the customer and the order. See also the Code recipes documentation for an example of creating a payment method programatically.

Saving payment methods

  • When a payment method is saved, the payment gateway mode is automatically set, based on the current mode for its payment gateways's plugin.

Payment options builder

The PaymentOptionsBuilder service ties together all the internally stored payment gateway and payment method information to provide the list of "Payment methods" the customer sees during checkout. (If only one payment method is available, it is set automatically; the customer won't see a list of options.) These options can come from a variety of sources:

  1. The customer's stored payment methods. If a customer created payment methods for previous orders, and they are reusable and applicable to the current order, they will be displayed as options. The labels used for these options are generated based on the payment method type.

  2. The payment method for the order. If a payment method has already been added to the order, it will be displayed as one of the options. Its label is also generated based on its payment method type.

  3. Options to create new payment methods for applicable payment gateways. For example, if the "Credit card", "PayPal", and "PayPal Credit" payment method options are all enabled for the Commerce Braintree payment gateway, then they will also appear as options. The payment method type's create_label is used for the labels.

  4. Options for applicable payment gateways that do not provide payment methods (off-site, manual, etc). The payment gateway plugin's display_label is used for the labels.

These options appear on the "Payment information" checkout pane that is typically part of the "Order Information" step.

Payment information checkout pane

To manage all this information, PaymentOption objects are used, with the following structure:

Payment option properties

Field Description
id Unique string id for the payment option
label The payment option label that's displayed to customers
paymentGatewayId The payment gateway ID, a string
paymentMethodId The payment method ID, when known, a string
paymentMethodTypeId The payment method ID, when known, a string

Overriding Payment Gateway configuration

There are cases where a developer or site admin would want to define certain configuration related to a payment gateway in the site's settings.php file, instead of storing them in the database or define them in the code as exported configuration. Not exposing API credentials for security reasons would be such a case. In such cases, we would want to define the payment gateway using test credentials, and then override them in our settings.php file.

This tutorial will guide you through overriding a payment gateway's configuration using the Commerce PayPal module as an example. It is assumed that this or another payment gateway provider module is installed and a payment gateway has been created in the store - see Installing and Configuring a Payment Gateway. Building on that example, we will override the API credentials configuration for the PayPal Express Checkout payment gateway. In a production site, the payment gateway may have been exported in the code as configuration - see Managing your site's configuration.

Finding the Configuration Settings Names

In order to override the configuration settings in our settings.php file we need to know their machine names. An easy way to find them is by visiting the Configuration Export page at /admin/config/development/configuration/single/export. At the "Configuration type" dropdown choose "Payment gateway", and then at the "Configuration name" dropdown choose the name of the payment gateway, in this case "PayPal Express Checkout". You will then be displayed all available configuration for it.

Locating a Payment Gateway's Configuration

We will first need the ID assigned to the payment gateway. This is the value of the id key, in this case "paypal_express_checkout". Make a note of this value.

The configuration key includes a list of all configuration settings for the chosen payment gateway. In this case, we are interested in the api_username, api_password and signature settings. Make a note of the keys for the settings that you want to override.

Adding the Overrides

With the information that we have obtained, it is straightforward to override these settings in the site's settings.php file. Add to the file the following code, making sure that you use the real values for the settings. Also, in the array's key $config['commerce_payment.commerce_payment_gateway.paypal_express_checkout'] replace "paypal_express_checkout" with the ID of your payment gateway that you obtained above e.g. $config['commerce_payment.commerce_payment_gateway.MY_PAYMENT_GATEWAY_ID'].

    // settings.php

    $config['commerce_payment.commerce_payment_gateway.paypal_express_checkout']['configuration'] = [
      'api_username' => 'MY_API_USERNAME',
      'api_password' => 'MY_API_PASSWORD',
      'signature' => 'MY_SIGNATURE',

Once you've set them, these will be the settings that will be used when a customer chooses to pay using this payment gateway. Note that due to how configuration management works in Drupal 8, the admin pages such as the payment gateway's Edit page or the configuration export page used above will still display the values of the settings defined in the code as exported configuration or in the database.

NB, if you are checking with drush cget be sure to use the --include-overridden flag to show variables that are overriden. in the example above this would be drush cget --include-overridden commerce_payment.commerce_payment_gateway.paypal_express_checkout

How to Test if It Works

To ensure that the correct settings are being used, we can make a test by checking out a test order. In the PayPal example above, the test credentials can be linked to an account that has a different name than the production account. PayPal will be also indicating that an account is a sandbox account by appending the word Test after its name. When the user is redirected to PayPal, the page's title should read "Test Store" without the overrides, and simply "Store" with the overrides.