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Commerce 2.x

At its core, Commerce is a set of Drupal 8 modules, which in turn depend on other best-of-breed modules and libraries.

Using Drupal Commerce

To learn how to use Drupal Commerce, see the User Guide

Working with Drupal Commerce

Ready to start developing and working with Drupal Commerce?

  • Using Composer: If you are new to Composer or new to managing Drupal with Composer. Drupal Commerce requires using Composer with Drupal.
  • Getting Help: General guidelines for how and where to get help for Drupal Commerce.
  • Installation guide: To get Drupal Commerce installed.
  • Updating guide guide: For keeping Drupal Commerce up to date.

Looking for a demo?

There are several Drupal Commerce 2 demo sites available.

Additionally, you can use the Drupal Commerce Demo button on the homepage of Simplytest to build the full demo store in a temporary web environment. Log in as the administrative user using admin / admin to test all that Commerce Core has to offer out of the box.

Using Composer

Composer is a tool for managing dependencies on the project level, a project being your site or web application. It has become the de facto dependency management tool for PHP. Composer allows PHP developers to easily build standalone distributable libraries that can be shared and integrated by others. This is possible in part by the PHP Framework Interoperability Group (FIG) and PSR-4 for autoloading of class files.

Dependency management is not a new concept and not unique to PHP. NPM for NodeJS, Bower for front end libraries, Bundler/Gems for Ruby, PIP for Python, Maven for Java and so forth.

If you’ve ever used Drush Make to download Drupal modules and themes, then all of this sounds familiar. You can think of Composer as the more advanced Drush Make that works for all PHP projects and packages. Compared to Drush Make, Composer has the benefit of being able to recursively resolve dependencies (downloading the dependencies of each dependency) and being able to detect conflicts.

Why does Commerce need it?

Modern applications such as Drupal 8 consist of many classes, so it would be impractical and costly to manually include each one. Instead, the application includes one special class, called the autoloader which then automatically includes other classes when they are first needed. When Composer runs, it regenerates the autoloader, giving it the locations of the newly downloaded dependencies.

Commerce utilizes various libraries and dependencies. Without Composer and the generated class autoloader you cannot use Commerce. The libraries we depend on will not be available, even if manually installed.

Composer also enables version constraints and prevents dependency conflicts. Without Composer there is no way to tell our users “make sure you also update this dependency as well.”

This also means less work for you.

How to install Composer

Composer offers a convenient installer that you can execute directly from the commandline. Follow instructions on how to install Composer here. We recommend that you use the newest version of composer, as older versions may or may not work. Check that your version matches the version listed on

How to use it


The composer.json file defines required libraries, modules, themes, and Drupal core to download. It allows you to run commands when Composer finishes an operation, and more.

Here is an example from the commerce_authnet module.

  "name": "drupal/commerce_authnet",
  "type": "drupal-module",
  "description": "Provides Commerce integration for",
  "homepage": "",
  "license": "GPL-2.0+",
  "require": {
    "drupal/commerce": "^2",
    "commerceguys/authnet": "dev-master"

This specifies the project as being a Drupal module available at drupal/commerce_authnet with information about its license and homepage. It requires commerce of any satisfiable version 2 release, and the development version of the commerceguys/authnet library.

Composer relies on semantic versioning, using ~ and ^ operators, or direct release names (2.0-beta3.)

Check out the Packagist Semver Checker to explore how version constraints work. This link is for drupal/core: ^8.3


The composer.lock file is auto generated by Composer. It has information about all the dependencies in the project, including ones your modules or themes depend on.

The lock file contains information on how to fetch the dependency and its dependency version constraints.

composer install

The composer install command will download and install dependencies. The install command will install off of lock file. However, if no lock file is available it will act as the update command.

The command will regenerate the class autoloader.

composer update

The composer update command resolves dependencies and generates the composer.lock file. The update command will update dependencies to their latest versions.

The command will regenerate the class autoloader.

composer require

The composer require command adds a new dependency to your project. This will update the composer.json and composer.lock files and regenerate the class autoloader.

If the new dependency has any conflicts with other dependencies, such as incompatible shared dependencies, it will not install.

composer remove

The composer remove command removes a dependency from your project. This will update the composer.json and composer.lock files and regenerate the class autoloader.

If the dependency is required by another package, it will not be removed.

Getting help

Best Practices

It's important to keep in mind that this is open source software. While some contributors are paid for their time (usually for specific projects/tasks), a great many more are donating their time to the community. When asking for help, you'll find that people can be very friendly and giving but only if they are treated respectfully. Also, ultimately, it's up to you to solve your own problems: nobody in the community "works for you". That being said, here are some general tips on how to get help in a way that's both respectful and constructive:

  • Start with a search in the project's issue queue. Try to avoid posting duplicate issues!
  • If you can't find anything that's applicable to your problem, searching Drupal Answers on StackExchange is a good next step. Post a question if none of the existing questions apply to your issue.
  • For more immediate responses, you can try the Commerce Slack channel. Post a general message about the problem you're having, to start. You can get into the details in a separate thread. If your problem is a "known issue", you'll probably be directed to its Issue page.
  • Chatting with people in the Slack channel may lead to a suggestion to post a new Issue.
  • If you're posting an issue for the first time, review How to create a good issue.
  • Whenever you get responses to your Issue (either in the form of requests for additional information or patches), it's helpful if you can respond quickly.
  • Become an active, "giving" member of the Drupal Commerce community yourself. Review patches, provide feedback, and help others in the Slack channel whenever you can.

Drupal Commerce Issue Queue

If you are new to Drupal, you will want to learn more about Drupal issue queues.

Drupal Commerce is an actively maintained project, and oftentimes you'll be able to search its Issue Queue to find an answer to a question or a solution to a problem/bug. Solutions are usually presented in the form of a patch. See the Patching section of this documentation guide for information about applying patches.

Search Drupal Answers on StackExchange

Drupal Answers is a question and answer site for Drupal developers and administrators. To search for information specific to Drupal Commerce, tag your queries with drupal-commerce. There are thousands of posted Drupal Commerce questions, so it's a great place to look for help.

Chat with us on Slack

Drupal Commerce benefits from an active community of developers who participate in the #commerce Slack channel. There is also a general Drupal #support channel and the Drupal #general channel for light support questions.

For more information about Drupal Slack groups, see: